Auto 7 is America's leading supplier of Original Equipment (OE) quality parts for Hyundai, Kia, and Daewoo.
They enjoy a rich history in the OEM parts market as part of an international auto parts company in business since 1953. This history enables Auto 7 to offer reliable, convenient and affordable OEM replacement parts to best service your vehicle.
Symptoms of a Failing Speed Sensor vs. ABS Wheel Speed Sensor
Some vehicles may use the same part for both a Speed Sensor and an ABS Wheel Speed Sensor, while others may use two different parts. These parts serve different systems of the vehicle and may fail for different reasons - it is important to replace the proper sensor to fix the underlying issue.
The Speed Sensor(s) measure rotational speed of the transmission shafts. Common failure symptoms include:
Erratic Speedometer Behavior
Harsh or Improper Shifting
Loss of Cruise Control
Surging or Hesitation
Check Engine Light On
Located in 'Electrical'
The Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) sensor monitors wheel speed. Common failure symptoms include:
ABS Light On
Brake Pulsing
No / Erratic Traction or Stability Control
No / Erratic ABS Operation
Braking Without Pedal Contact
Located in 'Brake & Wheel Hub'
OEM / Interchange Numbers: 0K2N143711, OK2N143711
Closeout Inventory Warranty Information:Wholesaler Closeout items have a 30 day warranty (but still are covered by our Return Policy).AUTO 7 Regular Inventory Warranty Information:12 months/12000 miles. IMPORTANT A/C COMPRESSOR WARRANTY NOTE: 1) Replace the A/C Receiver Drier/Accumulator or desiccant element 2) Replace the A/C Expansion Valve 3) Replace any hose assembly containing a muffler 4) Perform a complete A/C system flush 5) Pull a vacuum on the closed system for the required amount of time to rid the system of any moisture. In the event that a warranty situation is called for, you will be required to supply written documentation verifying that the above work was performed by an ASE- certified mechanic/facility (actual copy of the Repair Order). No warranties will be considered without this required documentation.